Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hold It! Advise Regarding the Use of Fossil Fuels

It is very important to the people of Nigeria and Venezuela and elsewhere to let social/environmental policy supercede "economic". In other words, be ecological about your economics and don't fall prey to the dictates of the so-called "free market"

Fossil fuel and potential fossil fuel producers are facing a dilemma in that if they want to grow their revenue streams they must yield to the gluttonous demand, mostly being perpetrated by the USA.

The USA must yield and commit to a massive reduction in their gluttony.

It is good advice that you all protect the cleanliness of your land and waters and to whatever extent it is relatively environmentally acceptable to extract (desert environments) that you steward those resources for optimizing your own habitat improvements and for future generations the whole world round.

In Peace, Friendship, Community, Cooperation, and Solidarity,

Mike Morin
Eugene, OR, USA

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